missing "chumember"..hehe

what do i feel now?..

I MISS ALL OF MY FRIENDS..really miss them soooooo much!!..why are they making me miss them?..


sumpah gw kangen kalian ber4 plus azri dan adit!!...gw kangen SMA 5!!..gw kangen SOS C!!..gw kangen kantin!!..kangen baso si mas!!..kangen fruit tea blackcurrant!!..kangen slay o'lay!!..kangen gorengan!!..kangen mie tek tek!!..kangenn smua yang berhubungan sama masa SMA gw!!

if you know sma 5 you must be know that the school is not really special..malah bisa di bilang NGGA BGT!..when you see the building, you might be say "how come students who are school in here can be fit together in this little school?"..tapi itu dia istimewanya..sekolah gw di julukin "sekolah kotak sabun" sama sma sma lain..karena memang sangat kecil, bentuknya seperti kotak sabun dan di tengah tengahnya lapangan..so that's why, for 10th graders they have to come to the class in the daylight which is 01.00 pm (kebayang panasnya)..AND can you imagine?..if you have a secret, do not wonder if a few minutes later the whole school will know about it!..soalnya, jangan kan ngomong biasa..bisik bisik aja langsung kedengeran sama satu skolahan..hehe..no no..just joking...hanya perumpamaan sajaa..

but the school is not that important, the most important thing is "ISI" nya..
high school is really memorable..we do so much fun things, find out something that what we didnt know, and try something that we didnt do before..

*baju pramuka yang paling gw benci*

*jln ke bandung (plus adit dan azri, zri muka lo oke bgt sih!..haha)*

*ayu's birthday, 17 april 2007*

*kerjaannya sare..dia emang paling seneng buat kita jadi bahan ketawaan*

I cant mention every single things that we've done during high school. They are just "PRICELESS"..

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