good bye 2008, welcome 2009

Today is the last day of 2008!!..what's the plan for new year eve party?..still don't know yet!..maybe me and my family will be going to KBRI for gathering..but i wanna watch fireworks (maybe) in Emirates Palace or chorniche !!!!!. oo yaa..shakira will perform tonight in emirates palace, i wont go there (inside the building) because i don't really like shakira and the ticket is expensive!
but the latest news said that "no new year party in UAE" makin garing aja taon baruann! but its ok..palestina aja lagi susah gara'' bom, masa kita seneng''?.
many things that happened in 2008!!..tapi semuanya udah lawatt dann well, everything was OK..paling ngga gw dah ngelewatin semuanya..huffft
mudah''an 2009 gw berjalan dengan baik dan lebih baik dari tahun'' sblomnya..amiinnn..

last weekend me, my sister brother, and (of course) my father went to Global was fun!..i already uploaded some photos in my facebook. actually, global village is almost like dufan but the games more gokil than dufan! and there are many stands from many countries that sell their original global village open in winter only, it means only three month (i think) starts from December until February.
we played three games there, the first game was mmm.. i dont know the name but its similar with korakora (klo di dufan)..ini permainan yang paling gw suka di global village..sorry i didn't take the picture of it..

after that, we played this game (i also dont konw the name) it was the worst! because if you get there your body will kejedeug'', kejunkir balik, dan rasanya mau keluar dari alat penjaganya.. shot time!.semenjak waktu main di bali gw ga pernah lagi naek sling means 4 years ago!.wow..sumpah dulu kayanya sling shot serem banget..cuma pas main di global village udah ga terlalu serem lagi..mungkin it was the second time.

sling shot blom seberapa...masih ada yang lebih serem..the scariest game is HI-SPEED..the tower's height is more than bianglala's height..bentuknya kaya jarum jam..di ujung'' towernya itu tempat orang''y pada duduk, cuma muat buat 8 orang..hard to explain cara kerja tu permainan...(well, i didn't play this game! nyali gw blom siap menn.. but i will try next time! ;) )

smuanyaa...happy new year and enjoy your party!..x)
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way down here without you

do you know this song?..well, this is one of my fav songs..the song is not "cengeng" song but it is easy listening..

Way Down Here Without You-Superdrag

i've got a reason to be sad.
and i've got a reason to feel like i've been had.
but i would give most anything.
to see you smile at me again.

i don't know (since you've gone)
i don't know (since you've been gone) what i'm supposed to do.
way down here without you.
i don't know (since you've gone)
i don't know (since you've been gone) what i'm supposed to do
way down here without you.

i know you won't be coming home.
and it makes me feel so afraid of the unknown.
but i would give most anything.
to see you smile at me again.

i don't know (since you've gone)
i don't know (since you've been gone) what i'm supposed to do
way down here without you.
i don't know (since you've gone)
i don't know (since you've been gone) what i'm supposed to do
way down here without you.

you still mean a lot to me.
you still mean a lot to me.
more than a memory to me.
more than a memory to me.

*If u guys don't know this song and want to know it, you may check it out at
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many things..

Anyway, it has been a long time that i didn't update my blog so, there are many stories that i didn't tell.. udah lulus dari cimp dari tanggal 5 desember kemaren, tapi dengan sangat menyesal gw ga ikutan graduation..sbnernya pengen..cuma aga2 raibet juga ngurusinnya..jadi gw cuma ngambil result aja abis selesai acara graduationnya..hasilnya????? lumayan lah ga jelek2 amat tapi sayangnya ga sesuai target gw...yang seharusnya dalem bayangan gw dapet rata2 70 tapi kenyataannya cuma dapet rata2 65..ya ga papalah..namanya juga udah usaha (walopun ga maksimal2 banget sih)..tapi gw ga nyangka econs gw bisa dapet 65 walopun mnurut lo itu kecil tapi susah bgt buat dapet sgitu (bagi gw ya)..soalnya emang dasarnya gw ga suka econs dan gurunya juga rada sensi sama gw..jadi untung bgt bisa dapet di atas 60 (Thanks Dr.z akhirnya lo ada rasa kasian juga sama gw..) not single anymore guys x)...setelah beberapa bulann menjomblo akhirnya si ade KECIL gw sekarang bukan jadi ade lagii..ya ngga cooii?....(pasti lo baca kan?)...walopun aga sedikit aneh pacaran sama dia but im happy with him..(yang paling ganteng sendiri itu si "ade"..hhe) 18 now!! oh my god im getting older x( but still teenagers x).. tanggal 3 desember kemaren ulang tahun gw pertama dan kayanya sih juga terakhir di malaysia..biasanya klo ulang tahun selalu lagi liburan jadi pasti di kampung halaman..tapi berhubung lagi nungguin result jadi stay dulu di malay sampe urusan skolah beres. tak di sangka'' (walpoun sbnernya nyangka) tmn2 gw ngasih surprise pagi2nya (thanks yoo kawan2)..dan ga taunya di situ ada si "ade" juga padahal dia bilangnya udah pulang kampung!!..dasar kauu...mau sok2 surprise padahal gw udah tau akal bulus lo..hhe
keempat...this is the saddest part..akhirnya dia ade pulang kampung..klo pulang kampung doang sih biasa..tapi yang bikin luar biasa gw bakalan lama ga ktemu sama dia..soalnya gw rencananya ga kuliah di malaysia dan kayanya dia juga ga balik lagi ke bgitu lahh...long distance!! this is the last picture with our frnd(gilo jelek bgt gw disini..hhe) pindah ke abudhabi...sepertinya gw bakalan kuliah disini..tapi kuliahnya blom tau di uni mana..di liat nanti aja dehh..masih bingung soalnya..tapi sedih gw pindah dari malaysia..satu stengah tahun yang bner2 selalu sama tmn2..dina dini tnya ericka haykal...kapan kita bisa berkumpul lagii??...pasti bakalan beda banget idup gw disini ga ada kaliannn x(..kapan nyushi bareng lagi?..kal, kta ga smpet ke ming tien kal kemareenn x(..ah pokonya tenang suatu saat kita smua harus ktemuan di sunway tau deh kapan tuh waktunya..miss u ..miss u..miss u...(KLIA-tannya, dina, peta, dini, haykal, ericka)

nah tuh smua crita2 slama dua bulan terakhir ini...mudah2an gw ga males2an lagi buat update blognya..x)
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